You all know I like LEGO, but not all (if any) knows why I like it, so that is what I am going to try and explain it to you lot (and convert a few souls into bricks while I am at it
For the ones that don’t know LEGO: (seriously, go shame yourself!) (shamelessly ripped from The Lego Company site)
The name ‘LEGO’ is an abbreviation of the two Danish words “leg godt”, meaning “play well”. It’s our name and it’s our ideal.
The LEGO Group was founded in 1932 by Ole Kirk Christiansen. The Company has passed from father to son and is now owned by Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen, a grandchild of the founder.
It has come a long way over the past 70 years – from a small carpenter’s workshop to a modern, global enterprise that is now, in terms of sales, the world’s sixth-largest manufacturer of toys.
With that out of the way, back to the question of why I like LEGO so much…
but before I will answer that let me take you through a small tour of the crazy world of the AFOLs, with AFOL standing for Adult Fan Of Lego.
I could try and locate that one awesome picture that would describe it all, but seeing I would get the rage of other categories on my neck I want to show you more of the possibilities of lego:
First off I am going to start with a piece in my favourite category: Castle!
 This marvelous piece of a castle is part of a 4 stage MOC taking you through various stages of building a castle, starting off with a small wooden palisade and ending in a full blown castle, the picture to the left being Stage 3.
I posted this stage because of the scaffolding he has done on it.
Created by Daniel Z “DNL”
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This category will take you from small to big(with the shown being a upper medium MOC in size, yes, there are whole landscapes, often a collabaration).
If you want small examples, take a look in the gallery on this site, most, if not all, will fall in that category.
The second Category I am going to take you too is the complete opposite: Mecha (Big walking robots)
 This awesome piece is created by Mondayn00dle. It was actually one of the first MOCs I ever saw online and I am still liking it.
The techniques he used to create this little beast are stunning if you ask me.
He also did a wonderful job on the colourscheme and small details
In this category you will find LOADS of different MOCs, and a lot of different styles as well, ranging from almost humanlike androids to the steamy monsters of steampunk
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Next I am going to scale it up with the SHIP classification, with SHIP standing for Seriously Huge Investments of Parts:
 As you can see this thing is quite huge, to be exact(quoted from Cpt. Decius himself):
 It is 115 studs long. With the two antenna’s, it’s 120 studs long. It also has a full interior with 4 bunks, a kitchen, and medical lab, and a captains quarters.Â
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On this MOC I like the exterior colours and the sheerness of the thing. and the greebles (lots of small details)
You can understand that with such big investments in parts there aren’t many of these things around. Most of them contain a big spoon of the Space theme.
Now for something more classical with a normal ship, but one of awesome details:
 The ship Marie is a classic looking pirate vessel to hun the Seven Seas of Old, but with a twist. It is only loosely based on the ships you know of the books. I like that loosely based, if I was a pirate I want to have this here ship!
The rounded back and the statue(what was the name for them again) being the two features that pop out and I like.
Created by Tekka Croe
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I suppose this falls in the Pirate theme of LEGO, a theme that will speak to most little boys as soon as they can swing around stuff, yell ARR! and find out that playing the badguy is more fun then policeman!
Now so far I have show you the categories in the toy department(sort of) but that you can do other things with LEGO is something D-Higdon proves with her architecture in LEGO:
 This shot of her Water Tower House made back in 2007 show just how cool a good picture can be together with good lighting and a cool MOC
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Hell, she has such nice things(and loads of it) that I am going to post another one of hers:
 Here she shows a study in doorways(and how to created a slated roof apparently).
For me, I just think it plain rocks!
And once more the photography is tip top!
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In this category I just like the people screwing all scales that exist(Microscale, minifig(the lego puppets), maxifig, etc) and just go with a scale that suits their work best. And they make absolutely stunning creations.
So all in all, I can’t pinpoint it really, best I can get is: the possibilities, the feel of the bricks, it’s awesome coolness or the satifaction you get from getting that balance act for your MOC just right.
Whatever it is, I just really like it.
For those who want to see more MOCs I point you to Brothers Brick