something coming up

As the title implies, there is something coming up….

namely me in metalclad πŸ˜‰ going to be that tank I am
but I have to receive some picture first, so I either get some from a nice lady we met on the Elf Fantasy Fair(EFF) or I am going to take some next  week when Steven helps me get the hanging of the armour right(it’s all over the place πŸ˜› )

With we I mean Steven(my friend) and Mariska(his GF) and me. We went to the EFF to see if we can get some nice stuff
to dress up with πŸ™‚
I found these cool Pauldrons and Gorget from a set, and with a little encouragement(I was looking for something a bit different, but I guess you can’t get the tank out of me πŸ˜› )I decided to acquire them.
Later on I found a shield that was what I wanted, and as such I spended my budget that day.
We also got questioned by two ladies when picking out some Sword holsters for Steven.

So all in all, the day was fun. One downside, from the irregular ground and walking pace my upperlegs now whine the hell out of me. Oh and my shoulders disliked the weight of the said set, so they are camping with my legs, but they don’t know the shotgun i have aimed at them (shotgun being some tigerbalm)

and as to fill out some of the music (a _lot_ has been added in the gallery) here are the two i (re)found recently:

First off is a great piano piece, played on a nice sounding grand Piano:

Requiem for a Dream

Second is a song in which you will recognise a lot of internet hypes/celebs:

Pork and Beans – Weezer

new plaything!

I have a new plaything!
The Cowon O2 PMP! For pictures see here (as well as specs)
the thing is build like a Plastic Tank. it doesn’t buckle, it doesn’t screech if you do funny stuff with it.
There is so far only 1 downside: the 32GiB(aka 30GB) is already full save for 1 GB and the integration of the SD card isn’t what I want it to be, though History of Cowon players point out that it is a matter of time, they focus for the hardware on launch and let the software catch up in a year or so πŸ˜›

Looks like I have to go through it with a Shotgun to clean some ugly files out….but that was already on my todo list so no real losses there

Now with….

More music! New features, Ratings and more posts!

And I am not lying!

As you might notice above, there is a new linky there, the Song Gallery.
It contains all the Youtube vids I have posted to this here site!
I will continue to post new vids there(not sure if I will post all to my blogs as well πŸ˜‰

as for the more music:

It is a fun night! As I was plowing(yes, you read that right! Plowing!) through my enemies in WAR I was listening to some songs of Flogging Molly, this was the most appropriate:

May the Living be Dead(in my wake) – Flogging Molly

The second FM song I like as well, nice and upbeat:

Rebels of the Sacred Heart – Flogging Molly

The third(and final) song by FM, it is a nice song, tough not as rocking as the first two:

Light of a Fading Star – Flogging Molly

but wait! that is not all! There is more if you await this ridiculous offer! …… More music still!! πŸ˜€

Du Riechst So Gut – Rammstein

And yet, more still! now you guys have to spend time on this site! maybe I will charge fees for the time you all spend listening to my ramblings! Yesh!….perhaps Smeagol will do that! Gollum! No you cannot doos that! Gollum! Precious!

Anyways, I am quite sure a lot of you WILL NOT like the following tune, tis Hardstyle(click for nice dancing kid!), and I just love that laugh πŸ˜€

Hahaha – SMF

For this one goes the same as the one before: Skip if you don’t like Hardstyle(or explicit lyrics!!)

Oh My God – Technoboy ft. Shayla

Guess it’s back to the ‘ regular’ show, now up for some more Jpop! A nice quiet, maybe even romantic/love song!

If you still Believe – Elsa Raven

Now for the last one of the evening, but absolutely not the least:

Knights of Cydonia – Muse

I like the guitar solos and the overall style of the song, I think it is one of the best, if not THE best song by Muse. Enjoy!

What I will do? I will go to play some more WAR or go to sleep or something, idaknow!

Oh! before I forget, the ones of you who have registered and are logged in can rate the music you like! go to the Song Gallery and select that favourite tune and rate it!

{edit} My nephew poked me just now on MSN and gave me the following song:

Wat Zullen We Drinken – Rapalje

For those who cannot understand Dutch, click here for an auto translator(not perfect mind you, but will do the job)

{edit 2} More Jays for you! Now more Music!

Sexjunkie – Stein

Don’ t ask me why or how, just a nice and relaxing song πŸ˜‰

And a bit of rack to get that relaxing off:

What Have You Done – Within Temptation ft. Keith Caputo

Now more Metal with a hint of Disturbing in it:

Bodies – Drowning Pool

Now for another Metal song, by the more known band koRn(and with an even bigger spoon of Disturbing)

Dead bodies Everywhere – KoRn

Oh, and I need to make more categories in the gallery….meh, I’m lazy, that will be for another time!

Pundays suck!

So instead of a bad monday I am having a bad punday! Really, I have to make everything a pun these days, must be cause of this comic I’m catching up to, Sluggy Freelance, I have just entered 2007(it’s been running since 1997! on a weekly/daily basis!) where they people in it make so bad puns,  I guess it’s like a punris! (kudo’s for the one that actually grasp it!) and i am now struck with it.
I sure hope I won’t affect people with it, although….that WOULD be funny at my work, you see we have this dude there, he is a negro but he is almost white so you won’t give him that and this Turkish bloke.
They are both the kind that go fully for stuff, and the dude is rather cynical(love it really!) while the bloke is careless and ripostes all the time, if those two would start the bad puns…hell….I wouldn’t have enough space on the web to describe them πŸ˜€
I am drifting off…must be the time and perhaps even the music that is playing….lemme ‘U==’ it πŸ˜‰ (again, kudos!)

First off is ‘God knows’ by Hirano Aya, yes it is japanese, but good music know no boundaries right? well, here goes:

The second one is ‘Lost my Music’ by Hirano Aya, again, also Japanese(who would have thunk it?):

Lastly there is…..nothing! well there is one, but I am bored and lazy enough to not post it πŸ˜€ (who would have thunk that! ha!)

ok….I have been lying……here goes, I swear it will make you say ‘Oh my lord!’

now I know you wanna dance! but make sure you first put on your pants, preferably the ones he wears! so you fit in with the crowd! I bet it’s hot and tight.

anyways….I am going to do one last parody on some higly known phrase that is quite catchy *coughs*
Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep *shuffles to bed*


WOOSH! that is the sound the Bright Wizard from Warhammer Fantasy Battles makes when he unleashes his hot fury upon his enemies.
He now comes in LEGO version. Go check him out!

I think he works out real fine, the only thing I think he is missing is an Epaulette(in red ofcourse)
I had loads of fun working on the flames in this little MOC, it was a real learning curve to get those flames just right, but I think they look rather real to me πŸ™‚

On a totally different note: I LOLed real hard at this AWESOME costume! Our cookies are safe once more! HAIL TO THE COOKIESLAYER!