aaaand we are back in action, oh faithful readers!
Took a long while, but here we are with a new and improved site(if I say so myself). I’ve switched the backend from E107 to the well known WordPress.
This also allowed me to pick a few neat things. for example, images will be shown with a lightbox(you’ll see soon enough what I mean 😉 ) the gallery now is fully integrated(albeit as empty as the post history, for now) but what’s more nice for me, I don’t have the need to ‘hack’ the database to insert YouTube™ videos! and for you faithful readers I picked a theme I think looks real nice! if you don’t agree with that….well… guess you’ll have to live with it! 😛
but enough about the site, time for some real life update, you lot can’t check it, but the last blog was old, 6 months to be precise. Life has gone on without much exciting updates since then, a bit to my dismay, but it’s going steady I guess.
The news I do have however is LARP. Coming sunday I’m going to do a Quest(basically an afternoon LARP event) which I am looking forward to, I’m also nervous about it as the level of performance is, from what I have heard, rather high. So me as a newbie don’t want to screw it up!
the character I am going as is Egul. Egul is a warmage in the Lands of the Pharaoh and is currently a bodyguard to Bram Teunissen, Mastersmith of the Tradeguild of the Four Winds(dutch: Bram Teunissen, Meester smid van het Handelsgilde der Vier Winden), he will be, through his Master, a member of that Guild(I hope). Egul came from a small town in the Kingdom of the Pharaoh, he was trained in the arts of magic from when he was young, but they soon found out he was more adept at infusing Runes to items then conjuring spells out of thin air. and as such he continued his training as a warmage instead of a Dragonian or Griffon(‘normal’ mages). He wasn’t the best of his class but he was adept enough to be deemed ready to venture out at a rather young age. He eventually became friends with Bram Teunissen, which he guarded after a while. Also of note is the fact he doesn’t particularly like Elves(yea there are Elves in the setting, think of them more like (former) slaves) and only for his Masters sake he tries to keep his mouth shut against his wife, which happens to be an Elf.
The week after that I have The Dwaler again, a full weekend event, the same one as we started out at, but this time I will play a Mage/healer. I can’t say much more about the rest as it might ruin some of the plans we have(our ‘opponents’ may read this blog). Then we have it relatively easy for two weeks until we hit ‘Omen 10’ where I play a Watermage named Sanders(Pascal the merc died there after making a bad decision of not killing some bad guy and selling his soul off to him).
Three weeks after that we have the full event of the Keeper of Dreams(Lands of the Pharaoh 3) where I can hopefully continue Egul’s life 😀
so that’s about it 🙂
oh! music! I almost forgot that(not ;)):
First I’ll start off with my current favourite: One – Swedish House Maffia ft. Pharell
Second is another one of Pharell, but this time with his own band: Hot’n’Fun – N.E.R.D
and to top it off, an oldie I rediscovered: Omen III – Magical Affair