Pundays suck!

So instead of a bad monday I am having a bad punday! Really, I have to make everything a pun these days, must be cause of this comic I’m catching up to, Sluggy Freelance, I have just entered 2007(it’s been running since 1997! on a weekly/daily basis!) where they people in it make so bad puns,  I guess it’s like a punris! (kudo’s for the one that actually grasp it!) and i am now struck with it.
I sure hope I won’t affect people with it, although….that WOULD be funny at my work, you see we have this dude there, he is a negro but he is almost white so you won’t give him that and this Turkish bloke.
They are both the kind that go fully for stuff, and the dude is rather cynical(love it really!) while the bloke is careless and ripostes all the time, if those two would start the bad puns…hell….I wouldn’t have enough space on the web to describe them 😀
I am drifting off…must be the time and perhaps even the music that is playing….lemme ‘U==’ it 😉 (again, kudos!)

First off is ‘God knows’ by Hirano Aya, yes it is japanese, but good music know no boundaries right? well, here goes:

The second one is ‘Lost my Music’ by Hirano Aya, again, also Japanese(who would have thunk it?):

Lastly there is…..nothing! well there is one, but I am bored and lazy enough to not post it 😀 (who would have thunk that! ha!)

ok….I have been lying……here goes, I swear it will make you say ‘Oh my lord!’

now I know you wanna dance! but make sure you first put on your pants, preferably the ones he wears! so you fit in with the crowd! I bet it’s hot and tight.

anyways….I am going to do one last parody on some higly known phrase that is quite catchy *coughs*
Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep *shuffles to bed*

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