Thanks to Lynn I now have a Facebook account, go look it up, not going to post it to you , and in a quiz there I was asked which song was my favourite one.
It made me think, and after a while I head a little combat of 3 songs in my head:
Schubert – Ave maria(instrumental(screw the singing!))
Sing makes chills running down my spine for no good reason, love it!
Electric Light Orchestra – Mr. Blue Sky
Song always picks me, it’s just so happy!
Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody(live)
This song just can’t be overlooked by any rockfan with sense
Just love this version!
So after much debate and butchering in my head while enjoying some fine tunes from Nightwish – Planet Hell
there was declared one winner: Schubert – Ave Maria.
If you’d just listen to a high quality version you’d discover new subtilities in the song you never heard before! This means the song just basically becomes better and better every time Can’t beat a winner
Also, I mentioned Nightwish – Planet Hell, which you can listen below 😉 , that reminds me of one of my favourite quotes from music.
‘Welcome to Paradise, Soldier’ it runs, and I just can’t help but to near salute the first person I see Other then that, the rhythm in it is so energizing. Like I must fight
oh before I forget…Yeey! just over a month since last one! I seem to be improving \o/
[EDIT] Before I forget: listen to this one as well, though you’d have to love rock.
Kittie and KoRn – This Town
Specially the part with the guitar solo and her slogan there! Makes me wanna go slay aliens!
I *think* I need sleep >.>