
So my weekend was pretty boring, but that’s ok, cause it was exactly what I wanted after a busy week.

What I was busy with? Well, on my work we have this storage and it was a complete mess, no really it was a mess! As in you take a bunch of computers and computer-equipmentand throw in one hurricane and the outcome would be in our storage.
Finally after a week of cleaning up(well ok, 2 weeks but still) its finally almost done, all there is left to do is to sort out a couple of boxes and file the stuff out of them to our database.
I hear you asking what I do on a regular day? Well me and 4 guys, a girl and a … well…. bloke, a student from a ROC to be precise, sit all day behind our computers answering the phone and e-mails to cope with the problems of around 1200 people, who all think their problem is the most important of them all, which isnt ofcourse, unless a big error comes along, but thats another thing. So what we do with the problems is quite obvious, to solve them ofcourse! The thime this take can vary from up 3 minutes to a few weeks, depending on their complexity and whether or not there are external parties involved, and its those parties who can really add up in time.
Anyways this week was pretty quiet with no large malfunctions or new people or anything so we had some time to clean up the mess, we started by getting ourselves some shelves to put things on, after that we seperated the rubbish from the usefull and when the shelves were somewhat filled we seperated some more and the end result is a nicely cleaned up storage. We also filed things along the way, so for the big equipment we know what we have, and boy was my manager happy with that(we ound 2 new computers and 4 screens new in boxes a few weeks earlier of which no one knew they existed!)

And in the evenings I was generally tired(read lazy) so things in the house went slow. Nothing new there to report.

I guess that is it for now, totally blank atm, maybe I’ll blog if I’m at work
Submitted by GravGunner

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